Wednesday, December 27, 2006

2006 in Review

As the title suggests, this is a review post, and can merrily be skipped by those daily blog readers (and you know who you are!).

Nuclear family: Happy and Healthy. We finished the addition to our house this year (in January). We added two members to our family (a black kitten named pumpkin, and a white one named Tally).


Still the proud papa (even though his babies are 8 and 11), still working happily along at FAME.

He started taking Tai-Chi, and started coaching the Jr. High Chess team. Here are some books he read (how do you like the third person?) (in chronological order):
  1. A 600+ page book, "Mary Called Magdelene" Here's a hint: if it's for sale for $0.20 used, it might not be such a great book.
  2. "One Minute for yourself". It's a very quick read (as was "The Four Agreements"). Both of these are self-help books.
  3. Godless by Ann Coulter
  4. a chess book
  5. The Hot Kid, a novel given to me on my birthday, which is about bank robbers.
  6. "The Catcher in the Rye" I figured since it was such a big part of American culture, I should check it out. The second half was really good - I'm glad I read it.
  7. Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy.
  8. I find it hard to believe that I've only read these books...I'll have to be better about blogging what I read.
Click here to see the most frequent games I played in 2006 (this list is called the "nickle and dime", meaning it's broken down by frequency...the original concept was played five times in a year, and ten times. If it got fewer than 5 plays in 2006, it didn't make the cut). I logged 532 total game plays during the year.


Working (a long) part-time week as an admin-type person in HR, she really likes her job. She is also a girl-scout mom (and a good mother, in general).


Maddie turned 11 this year, and is into music now. Not only listening via her iPod, but also playing the trombone.

She's also a "Sims" junkie, and a voracious reader.

In November, she completed her "safe sitter" class at the Y, and started baby sitting. AT 11 YEARS OLD!


Molly turned 8 this year. She stopped playing piano, having kept it up longer than Maddie did, by about a year.

She's the athletic one of the family. She loves tennis, and basketball (which she played at the Y), and she took Tae-Kwan-Do classes (which she said she really liked, and then recently told everyone she didn't like, so I don't know what's going on there).

She also kept her pet alive the longest (a hermet crab, for about 5 months!).

I hope and pray eveyone reading this had a great 2006. I wish more of you wrote blogs, so I could keep up with your lives. If you don't, please, PLEASE, send me a nice long letter telling me what you're up to!


Anonymous said...

Is Maddie really babysitting?

kieron said...

Yep, she had one client!