Saturday, December 30, 2006

The best martial arts instructor in all of Indy

Went to Tai-Chi this morning (and am now blogging from my 'rents living room, with Kerry and Breon playing their second game of Othello, while Lynda makes Heavenly Ham sandwiches for the masses).

Interestingly, one of the other students, Jeff, said that he had been taking Kung Fu for many years (to the point that he has written a novel about it, and has a 6-book contract with Random House) - and has trained in China with the Shaolin monks. He decided to take Tai-Chi, and looked all over indy for an instructor, finally finding mine (I call him mine, as if I own him). Jeff says that Vinh is the best martial arts instructor in all of Indy, bar none.

That's nice to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep, it's nice to feel that your teacher is the best and that not too many know that....(so YOU can have more attention and can become the no. 1 student, etc.)