Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cloud HQ

im trying out a sync service called i have dropbox, and four emails with google drive on each (not to mention misc accounts like onedrive), so i'm hopeful! They have a 14 day free trial, so check back here to see how it turned out!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Alive Again

I guess I shut the blog down since I was SO ANGRY that almost all of my my photos I had posted over the years had been deleted by the service I was using (posterous).

Turns out that they gave me a few weeks to migrate to another platform, but it was during a period I was busy, and not paying attention.

"You get what you pay for", as they say.

It reminds me of this guy who's blog i used to read - very good writer, and interested in making sure web sites with people's content didn't just destroy it one day.

Saturday, August 02, 2014


Well, everything dies.  I'm declaring this blog dead.

I'm not going to kill it, just let it die.  As you can see, most of the photo links are gone (the hosting site closed down).  My feed from foursquare broke (they moved to "swarm"), etc. etc.

I'm still on facebook, and twitter a bit, so see ya there!

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Bitcoin thefts equals security

You read that right, every time there is a major Bitcoin theft, and no money is recovered, it increases my assurance that this currency is secure.

There've been dozens of million dollar plus thefts, and most recently one rumored to be over 100 million.  But here's the good part: none of this has ever been recovered. What that means is that the underlying security of the crypto currency itself must be secure.

Imagine a scenario in the real world, in which dollar thefts of this magnitude were reported. At least some of the money would be recovered. The fact that none of this has been recovered means that the currency is operating as it's designed - as an anonymous, untraceable, currency without central authority.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Lyft Referral Code - $10 off - First Ride Indianapolis

Download the app (, enter the referral code DKSLMV into "payment", and you are good to go!

I didn't see any referral codes for Lyft in Indianapolis, so I provide this as a public service, of course. ;-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Was. Feed t he lcacll. Swill doge!!

Aannnd. I. Hate.uticorrect



This e-mail was sent from a phone.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

PT Barnum would be proud

A $2.50 bottle of sugar water...but if there really is happiness inside...worth every penny!
