Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Update to my Profile/History

View Kieron Mitchell's LinkedIn profileClick here for my professional profile

First off, this blog is written for adults - some of the topics and links are PG, so if you are a child reading this, please let your parents know.

After about 4 years of HS, I went to IU Bloomington, and got a double major - German and an interdepartmental major in Comp Sci and Philosophy (going for artificial intelligence), and a minor in Psychology (I was a bit of a go-getter). I was involved in student government, and had a blast. The most important thing by far was meeting my wife, Courtney!

After about 4 years of college I started work at Eli Lilly (a 30,000 person company) in Indy (computer stuff).

I got an MBA at night, paid for by Lilly (thanks, Colonel Lilly!), and switched to Finance after about 4 years in computers. After about 4 years of that, I switched to working for a 100 person company in Columbus, Indiana as their controller. After about 4 years of that (are you noticing a pattern yet?) I got religion and switched to working for a 8 person not-for-profit. I've been there for about 5 years.

I expect my next move will be to work for myself (only if the pattern holds true...I'm just kidding).

I am a devout Catholic, have a great family (two daughters, Maddie and Molly, ages 13 (very soon) and 10), and work and live in Indianapolis with Courtney's side of our family. Maddie spends a lot of time reading, and updating her web site about (not surprisingly) books. Molly loves on our five (yes, 5) cats and soon to be two rabbits (and we don't even live on a farm!).

My blog (you're on it now, but if you want to jump to more recent stuff):


Favorite Books

Click here for my old profile (yes, it was last updated in 2006).

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