Saturday, July 26, 2008

Update on the rest of the family

The Table of Pain

1. Molly's been gone the whole week with Greta on her family's vacation (30 people!!). She's due back today, and we really miss her (tho we've been texting her - Court is doing so right now!).

2. Maddie is deep into summer reading, and continues to improve on Guitar Hero (now on the "Hard" level...there's only one level higher!). But I think she's cheating, since I've seen a rubber band on the guitar (used to hold down a fret continuously, since you can always hammer-on!).

3. Courtney is recovering (mentally) from a fender bender that took away her van for a few weeks, and put us in two rental cars (the first was too small, and smelled bad). I'm trying to be more involved with the family, and in doing so she and I have been spending more time at the table of pain.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Maybe the Table of Pain wouldn't be so bad if you incorporated cocktails?!

kieron said...

Agreed! Actually, our last session was the best we've ever had. We both agreed that we felt closer afterward...