Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is the appeal of being a ChaCha guide?

I've been spending a lot of time being a ChaCha guide. It's pretty addictive (to me).

What is the appeal of being a ChaCha guide?

1. Time pressure. I'm trying to get them the answer as quickly as they can. They are waiting on me (sometimes literally...they need directions somewhere). Relatedly,

2. Personal contact. Someone has asked a specific question, and I am the only one who is going to answer it (unless they ask again, or ask someone else, etc.). For that moment in time, there is a personal connection.

3. It's a window into people's lives. People are more open in this medium. I see the good, the bad, and the ugly. The next time someone tells me he doesn't think there are a lot of racist people out there, I can set him straight.

4. I get to learn. I love learning, and this is a way to help people, while learning. Everything from what Descartes and Aquinas had to say about the "Problem of the Immovable Stone" to what the difference is between 1A and Major League Baseball. Oh, and if it's something I'd rather not learn about (about 5% of the questions), I just pass the question along to someone else!

[edit 7/27] Oh, if you want to become a guide...send me an e-mail or reply as a comment below. I just found out that I can boost your earnings (yes, you do get paid a little) 5%...but I only have 20 slots. Turns out you have to be at least 18 years old.

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