Sunday, January 08, 2006

Living in a Hotel

Well, not really, but Court and I did sleep in our NEW ADDITION for the first time. It was like sleeping in a bed and breakfast (I even made myself pancakes from scratch as a reward...well, not exactly as a reward). It's all nice and clean, modern has built-in bookshelves.

I've set up our second Tivo. I was feeling a little bad about giving one to the girls, until I realized that you can set up parental controls out the wazoo - now we don't have to worry about them channel surfing - it's really nice. I've basically blocked everything except for the kids channels and programs. So far, they've spent most of their time trying to guess our 4-digit pin. Maybe I should use this opportunity to help them figure out how long it would take to guess it (brute force attack).

((3 sec per try x 9,999 possibilities x .5 (to average it)) / 60 (sec/min)) / 60 (min/hour) = 4 hours on average, 8 hours if you're unlucky. Hay...that's actually not too bad. If they were persistant, they could just sit down for a day and crack it. Better not let them know (they only read the blog occasionally, so no worries there).


Anonymous said...

Yeah, 4 digit numeric-only codes aren't very good.

You might check to see if there's a "maximum number of tries before lockout" option. If available, it may not be turned on my default, but if it's available, you might be able to specify that the Tivo will stop accepting new tries for a lockout period (usually 15-30) minutes after X number of bad tries. That significantly slows the process down. I know our cable box has a 4 digit PIN with a (non-configurable) lockout period where after 5 bad tries, it's disabled for a period of time or by calling the cable company to reset it. Since you've got some smart kids there, it may be worth looking at. :-)


kieron said...

I didn't see a lockout period...and they would definitely have hit it (the lockout) by now, the scamps!