Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Mystery Party!

On 12/31, Molly had a "Mystery Party"...kinda like a "host a murder", but for kids. They basically read a script, looked for clues around the house, that kind of thing.

They really got into it - we were a bit worried it would flop. They dressed up in halloween costumes (it was supposed to take place on halloween).

Molly liked this photo, since "no one was paying attention, except ME."

In this photo, they are all reading their scripts in the kitchen, after finding a clue by the sink.


Anonymous said...


-Jo Mama

Anonymous said...

Who writes the scripts? Sounds like a really good idea for a party. Cute photos.

jomama after the fact

kieron said...

The scripts came from a purchased game - from "American Girl".