Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Flying of Time

Long time no post.

Court's friend, Julie, is in the hospital - things should be ok, but she's been there for a few days. Two of their children are over here right now, playing games. We went to see a movie this afternoon, "Dreamer". It was actually pretty good...moved along well, a good family movie. Don't find many of those anymore.

I had my performance review at work. I can't give any details, since work friends read this, but I will say that I am still employed. That's a good thing.

I've added a new thing to the blog page. On the left (or maybe the bottom of the page) is a link that says something like "see what games I've played recently". If you click on that, you get a list of the games I've played. That's right. Every board game I play (and maybe card game too) will be listed here. My goal is to play at least 365 games this year (got this idea from a friend named JimG)...

Speaking of games, I've been playing in a multiplayer computer game called VGAP for more than a year. All the other players are bored with it now, and want to quit, so I've decided to let them.

I've had to limit Maddie to 1 hour of "technology" per, tv, gameboy, etc. Didn't want to have her eyes glued to the monitor...

Last night I went to Leroy's birthday party, and we played Werewolf. It was a lot of fun. Maddie also came with her friend, Emily - I think they had fun as well.

See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's the report on your performance? Quit teasing and fess up.

jomama of course