Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Cosmokieron's Shoulder

I'm drinking espresso, and spreading Nutella for breakfast (Nutella's official website comments that, worldwide, the spread outsells all brands of peanut butter combined.). I feel so italian! I have a lot of energy in the mornings since we've been back, due to reverse jet-lag! It's great!

Thursday is my shoulder surgery. My shoulder doesn't hurt at all, so why am I having surgery? Well, sometimes it kinda pops out of it's socket. That's why.

Our insurance won't pay for the cryo-cuff, or for a lidocaine post-op drip, so I borrowed the cryo-cuff from a parishonier who had the same surgery (Jason K), and will just have oral pain meds. For those of you who are new to the blog, here are some links explaining about my shoulder.

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