Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ready for the Knife!

I've got my comfy clothes on, have my surgery file at hand, and just took the ruined espresso maker off the burner where it was left for half an hour on high (melting the handle off entirely).

"Ruined" is probably hyperbole, but hyperbole has a strong tradition, and I refuse to shy away from its use!

Molly is still doing quite well in piano (says her teacher), and went to a sleep-over last night.

Oh, we also just yesterday had our parent/teacher conferences. Molly is straight-A 100% perfect in every way. Maddie fell down in gym (metaphorically speaking) (don't know why yet), and could ask more questions in (real) class, but otherwise is similiarly perfect.

As you might imagine, I write with you (the blodiance) in mind. Since you are all friends, I have to worry a bit about not offending anyone. But maybe I should just realize that this is impossible, and let it all hang out? This deserves some thought.

I'll have plenty of time for that the next few days, as I recover.

Probably won't post till next week - see ya!

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