Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Shoulder #3

Went to get the results of my MRI yesterday. Recall that they hold told me over the phone that it was a tear in my rotator cuff.

Well it isn’t. It’s a (1in by 2mm) tear in the Labrum (which is a ring of cartilage holding the “ball” of the arm to the socket). I was all prepared to challenge the doctor about maybe not needing surgery, but he stole my thunder.

He said that it won’t heal itself, so I’ll need surgery. It’s an outpatient surgery in which they screw the cartilage to the bone – it then heals “naturally”, and the screw dissolves in 6 – 12 months. I’ll be off work for a couple days, have my arm in a sling for awhile, have to cart around some sort of ice cooler thing, and I’ll have physical therapy for some time thereafter. The surgery is tentatively scheduled for 9/29 (he only does them on Thursdays). I may need to make it a week earlier (next week!), or postpone until late October…it all depends on how long I’d have to have my arm in a sling/carry the ice bucket (don’t want it to interfere with vacations, you know!).

Molly asked me this morning if I was nervous – she’s so cute! I’m not (yet)…I’m sure I will be the day of the surgery.

Update: Surgery is now scheduled for 10/27.


Anonymous said...

Where is the surgery scheduled? Kelley

kieron said...

It's down in Greenwood, at the "Othropedic and Sports Medicine" place (or something like that). It only takes like 30 minutes...they do a nerve block and give me some sort of date rape drug (I'll be "conscious", but I won't care what's happening and I'll have amnesia).