Friday, September 02, 2005

My Shoulder

I hurt my shoulder last weekend starting my lawn mower – it felt like I dislocated it.

After the doctor (888-PAIN) examined me today, he said that I have a 70% chance of a torn rotator cuff – which would require surgery and physical therapy.

An MRI is scheduled for Wednesday at 10am to determine if it’s torn. If it’s just a sprain (or did he say strain?), then I’ll just have physical therapy. In the mean time, he gave me a steroid shot and a prescription for Naproxen (I think that’s what it is – some sort of anti-inflammatory, at any rate).

I felt pretty sporty, since it’s a sports medicine office…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to a sports medicine clinic and now you are on steroids. . . look out Arnold.

Naproxen is a good anti-inflammatory/pain medicine but is hard on the stomach, be sure to take with with food.