Sunday, September 04, 2005

Labor Day Weekend

Went to a party last night (w/o the girls). It was a surpirse 40th B-day party for two of Court's friends. Mostly it was a surprise since their b-days are at least 6 weeks away! Clever, eh?

The girls stayed at Court's parents - they saw a couple movies: 1) "Bad Seed", from 1958. B&W horror., 2) "Alien" - Maddie was really impressed by the alien popping out of the guys stomach. Nice.

Turns out the little girl in the Bad Seed was nominated for an Oscar, and most people alive back then (you know, the old folks) remember the movie. I'd never heard of it, but I caught the ending. It was the worst ending I've ever seen in a movie.

Today (Sunday) Courtney is pal-ing around with an out-of-town guest (Vivian). They are going to a movie. I'll play Dungeon Twister (DT) later on this afternoon with John (Court's dad).

[Edit Added 9/5] John won DT quite handily - I'll have to stop handicapping myself! We are hosting a cookout today at 4pm for the whole fan-damily (including Court's cousin's family).

Last night I finally got it worked out to play "Slay" online with four other people. It took a lot longer than I expected it would, but it was fun.

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