Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gen Con was an interesting mix of people

Gen Con was an interesting mix of people. My boss asked me if I saw any cross-dressers there, and I kinda did. Some guy had on black lipstick, and was wearing a see-through shirt. Looked very effeminate, but was not TRYING to look female, so he didn't really count.

The interesting mix comes from the fact that there are a bunch of 50 year-old ex-military guys with buzz cuts (or military wannabees) who are playing with their toy soliders (or said another way, doing historical simulations of battles) standing in line with a guy dressed as a dark elf.

Now, to be fair, I *do* think that there were more women there than ever before. I think it's because of the boyfriend factor, and that the gaming companies are getting smarter about making games to attract women. Women are more attracted to cooperative, creative gaming, or games for their children. As gamer men have children, the women are getting more into it.

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