Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Molly's Injury and Cell Phone

Molly is limping due to a sprained ankle from kickball, and she just got stung on the bottom of her OTHER foot (while cleaning out her hamster cage). She wants to hop on the "good" foot, but that ankle is sprained.

Picture to be posted later (if we can get her new cell phone to work). Oh, and lest you think it is RIDICULOUS for a 10-year old to have a cell phone, we intend to turn off our land line, and it satisfies my anal-retentive side for each family member to thus have their own separate cell phone (and voice mail). It seems somehow "right".


Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Bexi. I'm really sorry to hear Molly won't be on her feet. I'm starting my NEW SCHOOL in September and I can't wait. What is Molly's School called. What is Maddie's called?
Mine is called Tretherras - I miss you guys loads. Have you recovered from Disney, has a year been enough. I use my Mum's 'Cell Phone' (Mobile Phone) so its sorta mine. My Dad uses his for bouncy castles. You think a 10yr old with a 'cell' (mobile) is not right, Belinda's friend Sophie turned 7 this year - she has one!
Lots and lots of love and help to Molly's foot, Bex
Steve x
Cathy xxx
and Belinda xxxxx
love and kisses from us all!

PS. My Mother grammar checked this (3 mistakes) before I sent it.

PPS. She grammar checked the PS!!!!!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Sloan and I hope Molly is feeling better soon! :(

kieron said...

She is still complaining about it big time. I worry a bit that it may be more than a sprain (I wish it were Maddie, since she had the dog bite and we've used up some deductible...).

I found a bag of (previously frozen) melted potatoes seeping into the carpet upstairs this morning, next to a towel. I really need to buy one of those blue freezer thingies that you can use as an ice pack. Frozen veggies are too expensive!

kieron said...

Oh, and Bexi: Molly is still on her feet - just complaining up a storm. She played kickball HARD yesterday, and did great. Afterwords she was crying since I massaged her heel so hard.

Anonymous said...

My school is called Lourdes, and mollys is the same. What grade will you be in?

Anonymous said...

Hi Maddie. My 'grade' is Year 7, 7th Grade. It will be good, what grade will you be when you go back 2 school (r u already back)
and when do u go back? I go back this Friday. My Gran leaves on Monday, then my Mum goes to School on Tuesday, then my sister on Wednesday. Me and my Dad have Wednesday + Thursday just us. Had some good hols? I hope so. what grade is Molly in?
Belinda is going into the 4th Grade. Lots of luv to everyone.

Love Bex

Anonymous said...

hello becca!
im in the 8th grade. we went back to school an august 18th, almost 3 weeks ago! molly is in 5th grade. wow i cant believe belinda is in 4th grade!! how old is she? 8? and are you 12? i just turned 13 on august 11th

Anonymous said...

Do you still play werewolf, Kieron. We sometimes play with one card with no player in the middle. How do u play, if u still do. I think the games you showed us were good, and very fun. We still sometimes play werewolf, mostly when my Aunt comes down because she likes it. She's quite good, but she won't be down for a while cus she's just had our new cousin baby Thomas James Allen. He's so adorable, do you know any newborn babies. TJ is about 2 months (they want him to be called Thomas though) now.
we make our own WW cards out of card and my Dad cuts it with his bog cutter thing to right sizes.

Lots of Love To Molly, Maddie, Courtney + you Kieron. Is Molly recovered yet, or not? And what is this about a dog and Maddie?

Love from Bex

Anonymous said...

Here's the answer to YOUR email Maddie.
I can't believe you go in so early, but then again, you are a differant COUNTRY!
Belinda is eight, and I'm turning 12 on the 2nd of December. I'm starting my new school with a new haircut. When I was with you, I didn't have a fringe, did I? Well, I got one for ages and my hair grew to a quarter down my back. I'm cutting it to my shoulders and my fringe is going down the side of my face. Did I have a fringe in Florida?
Answer me back!


Anonymous said...

PS. In my message to Kieron, my Dad has no BOG cutter. It's big cutter. Sorry
Luv Bex

kieron said...

Hay Bexiboo!

I do still play werewolf, but not very often. I played for hours and hours during a recent convention here in town (GenCon)...

I like the 5-player version, but I like the bigger games too (once they get down to about 8 or fewer players). 20 is too many for me!!

I'm glad you are having fun, and your new cousin is so cute! Give her a kiss for me.


Uncle Kieron