Friday, August 29, 2008

Picture of Soldiers in Iraq Firing a Missile

I ran across this picture (from Life mag?), and thought it was cool, so I'm sharing. These are soldiers in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you would find this scene to be very cool if you were on the receiving end of that missile. It's past time to get the U.S. out of Iraq!

kieron said...

Very true re: the receiving end!

But wouldn't it be a bad thing for Iraq if the U.S. left now? I mean...wouldn't the country fall apart or something?

Anonymous said...

The above is the exact same argument the British made for sending their massive military might to the American colonies....and for remaining long after the Americans got sick of them.

The parallels are so eerily similar, I wonder why our generals and politicians don't learn from history. Not to mention why we dumb voters don't pay more attention to historical events ourselves so that we don't vote in the people who lie to us about why we have to kill a bunch of people in order to save them.

Anonymous said...

addendum: cool photography, though