Thursday, March 20, 2008


Easter started this evening with Holy Thursday (Jesus eating the last supper, and washing the feet)...tomorrow morning is the kids doing the living stations of the cross (like a passion play...I think Molly is Veronica), then mass in the afternoon. Saturday evening is the culmination of the year with a 3-hour extravaganza with baptism galore!

Whew! Not to mention Saturday I dress up as the Easter bunny.


Anonymous said...

We had an Easter service on Wednesday...Rebecca was Mary Magdalane and Belinda spoke about the symbolism of the cross. Belinda had to wear a headdress with a large cross on it. She has worn it ever since, including when we go shopping or out to lunch, because she 'wants everyone to know she is a Christian' (and it feels comfortable)says

Anonymous said...

says Belinda, that was meant to finish.
It is an interesting cross, it has a piece of white cloth draped over it, I think it is a softer way of depicting a crucifix.

kieron said...

Wow! It's nice the girls are learning the Christian traditions. It makes me happy for them!

I recall that at Belinda's age, Rebecca knew (and stated emphatically) that she was NOT a Christian. What do you say to Belinda when she (just as emphatically?) says that she IS one?

Anonymous said...

I say 'cool' to both of them.