Tuesday, March 25, 2008

photos of High School friends

These are from my HS reunion, which I'm just now getting around to posting (yikes!).

Jan Heitink. He inherited his Dad's veneer business. We used to chat before the internet existed, using an acoustic coupler modem.

Mike Frasure (born of Missionary parents in Zimbabwe, is now a physical therapist for young kids). Bill Altman (a PK) is now a minister. I used to play D&D with Bill.

Beth Robinson (now married and named something else). She was my first real girlfriend, at 16 (I was 15). She had a canary yellow camaro.


Anonymous said...

Unable to access photos. When was the reunion?


kieron said...

Yeah, don't know why...fixed now (hopefully...try it out). BTW - had to crop the better halfs out... :-)

kieron said...

Oh...and I put a link to the reunion entry...it was like 2 years ago.