Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reunion Report

Went to my HS reunion last night - it was way more fun than I thought it was going to be. It was great talking to old friends, and making some new ones! Of course, I can't really say anything bad about it, since I effectively gave out by blog address to everyone (in an effort to be named "ubergeek" vs. Jan Heitink, who IS the guy in "White and Nerdy"...he has star wars figures on his wall, no joke).

I guess my biggest surprise was that while I recognized peoples' features, mannerisms, and voices as they were when they were children, I really got the feeling that they had changed. Which shouldn't be a surprise, of course. In the 20 years between 18 and 38, a lot happens. The people I saw at the reunion were teachers, businessmen/women, mothers and fathers. They were the same people I am friends with from my local church.

In almost all cases, the jerks had become pleasant! The snobs inclusive, the grits...well...I can't remember exactly what a grit is, but I just looked it up, and I'm ebarrassed to say it's #5 on the list linked. I don't use the word grit anymore - so I hope I'm one of the snobs who's changed!

One thing that didn't change as much is that the shy ones were still shy, the happy ones still smiling (despite just as much suffering in their lives), the outgoing ones still engaging everyone...

I guess the way people VIEWED others had changed with maturity, but their way of interacting with the world hadn't.

[Edit 3/ the slow but at least I do it department...some photos of old friends:

Jan Heitink. He inherited his Dad's veneer business. We used to chat before the internet existed, using an acoustic coupler modem.

Mike Frasure (born of Missionary parents in Zimbabwe, is now a physical therapist for young kids). Bill Altman (a PK) is now a minister. I used to play D&D with Bill.

Beth Robinson (now married and named something else). She was my first real girlfriend, at 16 (I was 15). She had a canary yellow camaro.

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