Saturday, October 14, 2006

Chess club, Story telling festival, Legacy for our Mission

Chess club went fabulously...I've put a perma-link to our chess club blog on the sidebar (to the left on this screen). Updates should be about weekly. The kids behaved, and they seemed to have fun.

I went to Tai Chi this morning, and am ready now to go down to my parents to meet with MikeF (a friend from high school, whom I haven't seen for 20 years), and then to my high school reunion. That reminds me, I'd better find out where that is exactly (I know it's in Bloomington).

Last night we went to a story telling festival with the Murphys. For the record, we listened to Derek, Gay, Lyn, and Syd (Syd was the best).

I made all my calls for our Church's capital campaign (to encourage people to come pick up an information packet after mass this weekend). The campaign is called "Legacy for our Mission". Our goal is to raise about $1 mil to pay for repairs.

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