Wednesday, October 04, 2006

White and Dirty

Sam kept singing a song, "Try to catch me, White and Dirty". Sam said it was about some guy mowing his lawn. The tune Sam sang was catchy, but I had no idea WHAT he was talking about.

Now I do.

Here's the original rap song (very catchy tune), "Ridin'". The main line is "Trying to catch me ridin' dirty". As in, the COPS are trying to catch the rapper while he is driving with contraband.

And here's wierd Al's parody, "White and Nerdy", in which a nerdy guy does various things. Much better video than the first.

Thanks to DanD for turning me on to this.


kieron said...

So, did you know what the song was before this post?

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny the Wierd Al video. Thank you, Dan.

Is it true that CD's are already obsolete as I heard on NPR?

Am just now getting used to them.
Does everybody out there (y'all who read TMF blog) cop their tunes from the net?

Do I need to invest in whatever it would be on which to download music? An ipod maybe?

Not sure what that is but I could learn. Does it plug into one's ear so that no one else can hear?