Monday, August 13, 2007

Walking from Morocco to Mexico

Kerry arrived a couple days ago, so we've been staying up late talking and playing games - no time for blogging.

Breon and Lynda arrive tomorrow - Steve is going to get them at the airport (if he can find it).

Yesterday we went to Epcot. The geodesic dome was closed (Spaceship Earth), they evacuated the "fastest and longest" Disney ride ever (Fast Track), the Mars mission was having "technical difficulties" to the point that people were bailing out of line after having waited 30 minutes. I half-jokingly suggested we try getting our money back. We capped off our evening by walking from Morocco to Mexico!

The day before yesterday Kerry arrived, and handed out gifts to the girls - nice pendants and T-Shirts. Rebbecca promptly lost hers, only to be rivaled by Kerry losing his cell phone (neither of which have been found yet). We think both are at Disney Quest.

On Sunday, I went to mass (along with, no joke, 1000 others) at a Marian shrine which has been around for 30 years - specifically devoted to the tourist population. It was very pretty, and well done, but a bit too much attention given to trying to raise money (in my opinion). I guess I understand, since they have no regular parishioners.

"Belinda's Mars Mud is really gooey and slimey. I touched it." Says Belinda.

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