Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"I want to get out!"

Just before I slink into bed, a quick entry.

Returned from MGM a couple hours ago. Rode the Tower of Terror. Belinda screaming, "I want to get out!" as it was going up (no way to stop things at that point). I felt a little like I hope how parents who take their kids to rated "R" movies feel during the adult scenes .

Tagged the "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" cache, returned a box fan (it broke since Court dropped it on a tile floor, and I had the gall to try and return it to the store...they took it back! We like Walgreens.)

Made smoothies a couple times today (Steve once, me once). They are pretty good, and easy to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's this about a box fan????To put out by the pool, maybe?

ssve some smoothies and frajitas for the g's who expect to be waited on hand and foot upon their imminent arrival