Wednesday, August 08, 2007

We traveled to Florida to watch a movie

Yesterday we went to "Downtown Disney", I saw the "Bourne Whatever" (which was really a fun movie...good direction and camera work, fast car chases, high suspense, etc.) while the rest of the crew saw the Simpson's movie (which I had already seen).

Yes, we traveled to Florida to watch a movie.

Then we went to this 5-story video arcade. Once you paid at the door ($30 for the day), everything inside was free (and since we had "ultimate 14-day" passes, it was already all paid for for us). The most interesting game was a virtual roller coaster. You designed the coaster yourself, then you rode it!

Maddie and I rode it, and our "thrill level" was zero. That's right. Zero. Out of 5.

Molly and Rebbecca rode it 4 times, but couldn't get the thrill level above 4. The staff took pity on them and let them ride another's creation that was a 5. Needless to say, they loved it.

After we got back we Steve made a great fajita dinner for everyone, then we played a little texas hold'em tournament (after the children had gone to bed). Steve won, and I came in second.

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