Friday, August 17, 2007

A great steak dinner

I ran out of my 10 free hours a couple days ago, so I'm blogging this w/o internet access (on Thursday, at 3:05p).

This morning, Court and the girls went to MGM studios while I slept in, talked with Cathy (my sister), and played Tichu. They got back about noon, and we've been hanging out - starting to pack, playing WW, etc.

Yesterday we got up "early" and arrived at Epcot about 9:20a. Maddie and Court went straight for the Test Track (which, as you'll recall, was busted the last time we tried to get on), while Molly and I went to Soarin' (a very fun hang-gliding simulator). Then we returned home about 1pm, my Dad and I going to mass at 6pm, and returning for a great steak dinner Lynda made which the adults ate late around the nice dinner table.

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