Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cybercrimes unit for Indy

Maddie is still taking her hip-hop classes (with Sam). Her recital is sometime in June. She already has her costume.

A starbucks opened today (for a few hours) in our neighborhood. They were giving away free coffees and had live music while the other local coffee shop (Lazy Daze) was doing basically the same thing.

Due to a couple teenage girl pranksters sending anonymous e-mails, our school had a speaker (FBI special agent Steve Kelley, who's in charge of the cybercrimes unit for Indy). I went to it on Tuesday, and it was pretty interesting. One thing I learned: only 4% of the baddies pretend to be kids...most only reduce their age a bit. It basically means that they are seducing children who have self-esteem issues (and are attracted to older men).

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