Friday, April 06, 2007

When I am hungry, I eat; when I am tired, I sleep.

I just went to the "living stations of the cross", having given SamA a ride (we swung by Kroger's too). Maddie was some sort of shepherd on station #10.

Now I'm home, and no one is here (girls at school for another hour or so - they (the whole school) aren't allowed to talk for the rest of the 1/2 day...since it's Good Friday). Court is at lunch with Dene.

So, I'm thinking about what to do (having decided to call up Amos and see how he's doing - but I couldn't find his phone number (it's at work), so I gave up on that).

Here (in no particular order) are some options:

  1. Blog my options (doing it now)
  2. Put in some pictures on the blog (things are more interesting w/ pics, don't you think?)
  3. Clean the kitchen
  4. Do the laundry
  5. Read my book (currently, The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Henri Nouwen)
  6. Take a nap
  7. Check my e-mail (checking it now)
  8. Clean out the fridge (this is over 1/2 done already - just need to do the top of the door, and the two top shelves)
  9. Do my tai-chi
  10. Call John and see if he still needs help setting up his e-mail for roadrunner (doing that now, left a message)
  11. Clean up the back deck (trashy)
Ok, I'm tired of brainstorming, now to prioritize (heuristic: Chores, then things that help others, then things that help myself).
  1. Clean the kitchen
  2. Do the laundry
  3. Clean out the fridge (this is over 1/2 done already - just need to do the top of the door, and the two top shelves)
  4. Clean up the back deck (trashy)
  5. Put in some pictures on the blog (things are more interesting w/ pics, don't you think?)
  6. Do my tai-chi
  7. Read my book (currently, The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Henri Nouwen)
  8. Take a nap
Whew! Now that that's done, I'm tired, so I'm taking a nap. ;-)
Dae-Ju said, "Zen is very easy. It is not difficult at all. When I am hungry, I eat; when I am tired, I sleep.''

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