Wednesday, April 04, 2007

BRING IT ON! Banquet

Just a reminder - if you're interested in coming to my work's banquet and silent auction next Friday evening (no cost, but donations will be accepted), go to the bottom of FAME's web page for info and RSVP.

So far among my friends, the following 24 will be in attendance (color coded by is Chile, Purple is Bosnia, Gold is Ghana): Courtney and me, Maddie and Molly = 4, my parents = 2, Courtney's 'rents = 2, Tim and Susan A (w/ 2 children) = 4, Sam A = 1, Jim and Ann F = 2, Dave L (w/ 2 younger kidlets) = 3, Tom and Julie P (w/ all 3 kidlets) = 0, Kelley (w/ Sam) = 2, Leroy and Kristie R = 2, Mike and Jill W = 2. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. The "m" in Sam is gold since he will begin at Chile, then move to Ghana.

We have about 190 signed up, so BRING IT ON!