Saturday, March 17, 2007

Week in Review

Ok...what did I do this week (as far as I remember)?

Tuesday I was tired, so I didn't go to either of the things I was supposed to go to (they were double booked anyway, so since I couldn't go to BOTH, I decided to go to NEITHER!). What were they, you ask? Hmm...oh yeah...a faith sharing group, and a church committee (on religious education).

Wednesday - played games at Dan's. It was fun to play games with Lauren as well (his ten-yr-old). Here are the session reports.

Thursday Molly had a b-ball practice at 5:45, Friday we had Pizza and Taylor slept over. Delaney (our next door neighbor, second picture in the link) came over too, and we played about a dozen games of WW.

Saturday (today) was Tai-Chi (yes, they are still open...I had lunch Wednesday with the "owner" and we talked about marketing the school better). Molly had another b-ball game (two more or so AND ITS OVER (soccer is next).

The whole fan-damily spent a couple hours from 2p - 4p helping prepare for tomorrow's "thinking day" for the girl scouts (they each have a country assigned, and they make some sort of food from that country and have maybe a craft). Maddie has a GREAT scout leader, who is a real go-getter, so there is A LOT to do (painting blarney stones, making shamrock pins, baking irish stew...can you tell what their country is?).

My Mom and Dad came up for dinner and we played Werewolf and The Great Dalmuti (HINT: Kids can play this game, and even like it, but kids and adults don't seem to mix so well).

That's all for now. BYE!

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