Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Molly Mitchell Acrostic

The only one I didn't understand was "Y is for Yesterday". Molly explained that if she's sad, she can't always look forward to the future, since you can't be sure of the future (or something like that). And the present might not be so good, but she can always think of good times in the past.

I just found another one I didn't understand: lollypop14. But I can't tell you, since it's a secret.


Anonymous said...

Molly that is cute, what a great range of attributes :)

Anonymous said...

Yesm I agree, mother! Guess who I am!

Anonymous said...

I dunno...who are you? You say yesm so you must be American...is it Kelley?

kieron said...

Silly, it's your daughter! She said "mother". The "m" is a typo.

Anonymous said...
