Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This is a picture of my friend, we'll call him "Ransburg", going 75 mph in a 65 mph zone.

The automated camera took a picture of his plate and windshield (and a lame video, if you'd like to watch it, you have 60 days...City Code: SCD, Citation: 06190822, Licence: 895 VSS), tracked back his license plate THROUGH THE RENTAL CAR COMPANY, and sent him a bill for $150. SUCKER PAYS FOR ITSELF!!

I would like to mention, for the record (and in case Jan Heitink is reading this), that I, Troy, and DaveN independently thought of this system. A few years back while traveling to Door county, Michigan, when we saw a police officer standing on a bridge, clocking traffic and radioing ahead to a second squad car to pull people over.

This way is much more efficient!


Anonymous said...

We have speed cameras everywhere here - they generate a HUGE govt revenue in fines - Steve got caught last week, 3 points on his licence and £85 fine :(
They are hugely unpopular (research shows it's inattention not speed that causes 90% of accidents.)
Personally, I NEVER speed O:)

Anonymous said...

Yep, no doubt that the camera system is the logical way to get speeders. I'm sure it's true that inattention is more of a problem. So they need to figure out how to eliminate cell phone use by people driving...and even dealing w passengers who definitely are distracting; and even listening hard to the radio or cd, etc. Que faire?


Anonymous said...

Ah, some good luck now...apparently there was a technical fault with the camera...our fine has been waived and Steve keeps a clean licence!

Personally I consider myself such a poor driver that I shouldn't really drive - but I have to, for work!

I'll just keep taking care...