Thursday, October 19, 2006

Breakfast bars in a waterproof tub

I've started packing for Waveland (MS)...breakfast bars in a waterproof tub. I'm driving down to Columbus, IN on Sunday morning and meeting the group there (a car load having gone down the previous day). I need to get the oil changed in our van, and buy some stuff (like water).

The local volunteer coordinator is taking a few days off, so the advance team will be hooking up electricity to the tent.

There will be about 12 of us in total (some from Chicago, most from Columbus, one lady from Indy).

I think that we'll be residing a house, and replacing windows. Too bad I have no skills.

Thanks to the following for supporting the trip: JimF, DanD, my Parents, SamA!

I had a nice lunch with JeffW today, then coached our chess group.

My Tai-Chi instructor told us that it's more important to STRETCH than it is to practice the Tai-Chi moves themselves. How boring is that? Oh well...since I haven't always had time to do both in the mornings, now I'm only stretching.

We were waiting for a check that was sent 10/4, and as of yesterday it hadn't arrived, so I called this morning for them to stop payment, and resend it.

We got it in the mail this afternoon.

I blame Courtney.

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