Sunday, March 05, 2006

Games, Cookies, and Sports

Played Duel of Ages with DaveK last night, and last Thursday as well. We're still having fun with it...I even bought a plexiglas sheet to cover it while we play (it makes the map lie flat, which is nice).

My 'rents are coming up today (Sunday) to visit.

Courtney is the cookie mom for her troop (like last year), and things are winding down. We are down to 5 cases of cookies, and she's going to get about 4 more to cover the last cookie booths. They sell 4x more at Lowe's than at Kroger. I guess hungry people with money go to Lowe's, not Kroger? Or maybe if you just spent $50-$150 on groceries, you aren't as likely to buy a $3 box of cookies?

Maddie is a little under the weather, so she's not going to soccer practice (she signed up yesterday, and today is her first practice), but she is going to what Courtney says is her last Volleyball game. When Maddie heard Court say it was her last game, Maddie says "SO YOU ARE ASSUMING WE'RE GOING TO LOSE?". Turns out it is the first game of a single-elimination tournament. Way to have team spirit, Court.

Well, gotta go change the laundry.

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