Friday, March 10, 2006

Chase, Family Night Out

Yesterday over lunch I opened up a new checking account, at Chase. They have like a bazillion ATMs – in every Speedway and Walgreen’s, so my fees should go down.

Last night we had a family night out: Maddie bought an expansion pack to the Sims 2 using her new debit card for her new bank account – ahh..a rite of tween passage. We are direct depositing her allowance into her checking account now.

Then we went to Pizza Hut and had their new pizza that has a lot of cheese in the crust. It wasn’t bad, but not my favorite (which is Noble Roman’s deep dish…which is going slowly out of business, as far as I can tell). Actually, Pizzeria Uno is pretty darn good, too. Then we played “Ice Cream”. It is simple enough for kids, but has some interesting strategic depth for adults. I’d play it again.

Molly’s friend, Mallory, is coming over tonight from 3p – 9p.

At work, “we” are loading a container this Saturday – headed for Africa. I don’t actually have to be there, which is why I say “we”.

There are going to be like 20 volunteers there.

We’re trying to plan a get-together with my parents for my Mom’s b-day, which is also St. Patrick’s day.

I think we need a new computer. Maddie’s games run too slowly for my tastes, and things are just going wrong with it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kieron etc

We've been playing Sims here (Rebecca & me) but we can't get on with Sims 2.
Got a new pc just before xmas so can now run my latest craze 'Warcraft'. Online fantasy game with 5.5 million players. Fancy joining me in some quests?
Costs £27 to buy and £9 a month to play.

kieron said...

I've been thinking about joining WoW lately...just a couple days ago I was looking at the box. It's just that I don't know how much I'd play it (probably A LOT!). I should just bite the bullet and play...I've heard a lot of good things about it from my gaming pals.

Anonymous said...

Read your blog this morning. I agree, Noble Roman's Deep Dish Sicilian is mighty fine. Smile

Anonymous said...

You get a free month's trial when you buy WoW. But I have found I have to limit myself to when I play it (when kids are in bed) as you can't pause it when someone needs you. I play with friends on line and communicate via headsets on MSN, that way you can do the quests together better. How far on are your gaming pals? There are 60 levels...I'm level 10 after a week's playing.

kieron said...

One guy is like level 40. Do you play on a PVP server?

Anonymous said...

No I play on a normal server. But I may switch to PVP for some more fun when I'm a lot better. I'm level 13 now. The son of a colleague of mine is level 59.