Sunday, March 12, 2006

Electric Motorcycles and Game Trades

Played DoA with Leroy on Saturday. It was a tie, since I had to leave to "man" the girl scout cookie sale booth at the downtown grocery (O'Mailia's). He was a bit ahead, tactically speaking. He probably would have won.

Sam got an electric motorcycle. He says it's max speed is 45 mph. His mom says it's 9 mph. We have no way of knowing.

It was unseaonably warm today, and I walked around the block a couple times (trying to get in some excerice on a more regular, more regular than never).

The readings today were about the Transfiguration.

Lynda won't be able to get together for her b-day, since they are going down to Charleston.

Someone wants to trade their Palabra and Perilous Parlor Game, The for my Hnefatafl (the Viking Game).

Girls are going to bed as I write this, and are in need of some snuggling.

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