Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash Wednesday, Piano, and Kerry

Not much to report...taking a half day since today is Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent). I have an errand at 10:00am, then I'll meet Courtney at noon at the Cathedral.

Molly is doing well at Piano still...learning her "mp"s and "p"s (mezzo-piano and refers to how loud you play). I don't think she CHANGES how loud she plays, but at least she knows what they mean.

I visited w/ my bro', Kerry, last week for a few days, which was very nice. He's such a smart guy, and knows me well. I wish I talked with him more, since I value his councel so much. Selfishly speaking, I get a lot out of him. I also had my annual get-together, GTF.

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