Saturday, February 04, 2006

Duckpins, Mice Balls, Corn Starch, and the Caribbean

Just returned from Duckpin Bowling with Molly and her friend who spent the night - Greta. They don't have bumper guards, but they let the kids start from the half-way mark.

I tried two "regular bowling" places, but they were full up until like 8:30 or 10pm! Must be leagues. Darn leagues. But the duckpin is better for kids anyway - smaller balls.

Which reminds me of a joke. Q: "Why do mice have such small balls?" Answer at the bottom of the post.

Last night each of the girls had a friend over. WILD TIMES - especially the corn starch and water experiment ( a pretty cool one, if you've never tried it).

I'm drinking more coffee nowadays. Black. I have a cup next to me right now.

Played Caribbean with Molly, Courtney, and Greta last night. I won. But you know, it isn't all about winning. It should be about having case is for both to happen. They claim that they don't have fun while I'm pounding them into sand. Oh well.

A: "Since so few of them know how to dance!"


Anonymous said...

I don't get the small balls joke...
was that your nickname in college? It sounds familiar...

BTW- no more outbursts at Volleyball please... You can be ejected.


kieron said...

You know, balls as in the kind of ball you go to where you dance? Like with Cinderella?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who's this dolt, Lynda?