Sunday, January 29, 2006

Poker Results

I won $10 - pretty good for a $10-buy-in poker night!

We had fun, but my Dad wasn't there - he was in NY (he's back now). Hi Dad! Missed ya - and having dinner with you (on poker nights, me and my Da often get together for dinner before hand).

I'm playing DoA:Intensity with DaveK today in a couple hours...looking forward to that.

Big shout out to BethM - Court said that you read my blog, and would like to get together to play games with us sometime...that'd be great! If you'd like to learn a 4-player trick-taking game called "Tichu" with me, it's supposed to be pretty good, let me know.

Weather here is unseasonably warm. <-- That little tidbit of info was for my one blog reader OUS (Outside the United States) - Cathy, my sister whom I met when I was 15.

Molly had a sleep over with AbbyD last night - they seemed to have fun.

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