Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Plans for the Week/end

Today Maddie is "sick", but she went to school. She didn't want to go to her volleyball game, but we made her go there and tell her coach that she's not feeling very well. She's cleaning the kitchen right now (and not very happy about it). Life is sometimes hard for a middle-class American 10-year old in private school.

Tomorrow I'm playing a game with DaveK after work at my house (Court is out of town until Sunday). Thursday is low-stakes poker at my house, Friday my brother Kerry is flying in from South Carolina - YEAH! He'll spend the night here, then we'll all go down to my 'rents in Bloomy on Saturday, spend the night, and come back here on Sunday in time for


That's right, it's GS cookie time. From 3p to 5p on Sunday, I'll be handing them out like hotcakes.


Anonymous said...

LIKE HOTCAKES! That's what I'm talkin about!! LIKE HOTCAKES! (which incidentally...was my nickname in college...HOTCAKES...)

Anonymous said...

