Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Waiting for the Pope

St. Peter's Square, Rome, Italy

We have the prized "Green Tickets", while not impressing any of the guards, has nonetheless moved us in front of and past about 30,000 people already seated and waiting; to be where we are now - w/in 100 ft. of where he'll be sitting. This thanks to the special relationship the lady in this photo (who Courtney knows, and works at the Indianapolis Archdiocese) has with the monseigneur in this photo.

With about 15 min. to go, they are reading Ps. 129 over the loudspeakers (so far in 3 languages), which the Pope will be commenting on. Here's a link to a transcript of his comments.

Added 10/23: Here are some photos, showing how close we were:

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