Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back in the Villa again!

After hitting the internet cafe and blogging the morning's activities (blogging being the best bargain in Italy so far, at only $2 for 30 min!), we found the place to pick up our tickets to the papal audience tomorrow, where we (along with 49,996 of his closest friends, as John is fond of saying) will vist with the Pope for a few minutes.

Before dinner we picked up a bag full of "religious articles" to be blessed by "Papa Bene" and given to catholic friends back home.

On the way back to the villa, we stopped for a nice dinner, with a Gelato afterwards.

More Italian words I have learned:

  2. Prego = Please/Yes/You're Welcome/Hello
  3. Prosciutto = Ham (same as the U.S., but I had to streatch to list 3)
Getting up at 9am tomorrow to walk to the Vatican (only 10 min away!) for our papal audience at 10:30. Good night!

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