Monday, August 22, 2005

Gen Con

I went to Gen Con for a couple days last week. It was fun, but for some reason this year I ended up with more down time than usual.

I won a game of Monopoly, which put me in the semi-finals, then I lost to a 14-year-old.

I won a game of Memoir '44 (a WWII miniatures game, but one that plays very quickly - each game takes about 45 minutes), and they told me I was in the semi-finals. But when I got there, they said that I WASN'T. Of course, any time something like that happens, it ends up creating at least 2 hours of downtime (sometimes up to 4). But there is still plently of fun stuff to do in the "downtime", like learn new games.

My favorite game of the convention was called "Dungeon Twister". It's the only game I bought (a used copy of for $20). It's a french game, just released in english a couple days ago. It is the only game ever to hit the top 100 on BGG without having been released in english.

Well, better get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should you update the blog about Sammo beating you at the game last night- is it Dungeon Twister? He had SO much fun- I appreciate you inviting him so much Kieron.
And JP's new home update?

Let's get busy!