Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Jackpot is going to a private "rescue" tomorrow or the next day. They have a "no kill" policy, a place for the dogs to run around in, and the longest they've had a pet is 3 months. They make potential adoptees sign a contract. It sounds nice.

The girls start school this week (on Thursday). They've got their uniforms, and all supplies.

I go to Gen Con (a game convention) on Thurs - Sun (just in the afternoons on Thurs and Fri, and the morning on Sun). That reminds me, I need to call my uncle and let him know that I need to take him to church Sun evening instead of Sun morning.

Yesterday was the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so I went to mass with Courtney and the girls downtown at noon, then took the rest of the day off and spent it at home, playing games with the girls, etc. It was a nice day.

The girls are going to try and go to the state fair some time this week...I don't think I'll be able to make it due to Gen Con, etc.

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