Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jackpot to the Rescue!

Well, the 'potski is now at a private rescue shelter (she only has 6 dogs up for adoption). I'll post her web site, as soon as I get it (I think maybe my spam blocker is blocking her e-mail...I'll have to check on that).

Daisy is now ruling the roost (she's sitting on my arm as I type odd sensation).

Sam beat me at Dungeon Twister. He won fair and square...gotta run play poker!


Anonymous said...

Now we're talking...that's the update I was lookin fer...

What's up with Morton's kickball? Need an update there...Molly's piano?

I bet Daisy's in hog heaven...

kieron said...

Daily's in cat heaven! ;-) But she's alive...