Sunday, November 02, 2008

An update on the fan-damily

An update on the fan-damily:

Molly: Is playing basketball like a fiend (she had a game today, but missed the 8am practice on Saturday (I wonder why??)). Her coach is a bit of a hard a**, but the girls aren't complaining about him, and she's getting good exercise.

Maddie: Doesn't seem to be reading as much as before, but is spending a lot of time with friends, and is texting over 5,000 messages a month. She went to a birthday party at Jockamo's pizza today.

Courtney: Is starting a new job (still within the Catholic Center) on Monday. It's in the "recruitment" department for Priests.

Kieron: I'm no longer a ChaCha guide. I'm now a ChaCha expediter (I clean up, then categorize incoming questions). At $0.03 a question, I might make $3.00 an hour. I'M A SWEAT SHOP WORKER!


Skelton's India Adventure said...

I loved hearing about the girls and especially Courtney's new job. What is ChaCha?

kieron said...

Someone else thanked me for the update. I can see I've been falling down a bit on my core constituency (those who want to know about my family).

Anyway, ChaCha is a human-powered search engine (like google), designed for mobile phones that don't have internet access. See this post: