Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tai-Chi Update: Stopping the Class

Yes, you read right. I am no longer going to Tai-Chi class. *gasp*

Faithful readers may remember back in 2006, my teacher said, "It's useless for me to teach you anymore unless you get better balance and strength." At that point I had been attending for about two months. And now I'm stopping after having attended weekly classes for over *three years*?!

Here's the scoop: After the first year or so, I stopped practicing outside of class. It isn't that I didn't WANT to. I am just lazy. And now I've decided to put my teacher's lessons into practice: it is useless for him to teach me unless I start practicing outside of class! So, I'm not going anymore.

What I have committed to do, on the other hand, is PRACTICE TAI-CHI DAILY. And, since I stopped going to class a couple weeks ago, that's exactly what I've done. Practice daily. Maybe not for long, maybe not even in total more than the weekly hour that I had been going to. But that can change.

And of course, if I keep it up my daily practicing long enough, I'll reward myself with further instruction.

I think my teacher would be proud.


Anonymous said...

Your balance and strength has consistently developed and improved thanks to your tai chi training, I believe.

Technically, classes are meant to inspire students to develop a practice based on what they have learned; and to keep them involved which is often difficult w/o group support but is not impossible.

Good Luck. Your teacher will be proud maybe but disappointed to no longer teach you.

kieron said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Kieron. Good job, and I am navigating my way through your blog. Any time you want to rejoin us at Aiki Concepts, please do . Blessing love and light to you.
Vicki Mansfield