Tuesday, September 08, 2009

It's my Birthday, and I'll Cry if I want to

Identity sealers, here's your chance. Like you couldn't get it from a myriad of other sources.

Now, to my family and friends who REALLY CARE about my b-day, I hereby issue you a heartfelt thank you! Maddie made me a DELICIOUS pecan pie (my favorite), and we had a nice time last night with the Peruns (we played "Are you the Traitor", and "Cloud Nine").

On the "darker side", about 10% of my FB friends said happy B-Day on FB, and I got 3 autogenerated e-mails from web sites that know my B-day. I'm sorry, but I must discount these, for, as you know, FB reminds you of people's b-days, and let's you easily click on their wall, where you can plunk down a quick "Happy Birthday!" like a dog dropping a turd.


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Your posting is awesome because on the way home from kickball I said to Drew, its Kieron's birthday and he's like I know I said happy b-day on FB and I replied mine was better, I sent him a txt!

Thanks for proving my point! I'm not a gamer but I still love to win!! Sounds like you had a great day!!

kieron said...

You do win!

I'm very impressed that the two of you were talking about ME. Now my head is so big, it's going to *EXPLODE*.

Kelley said...

That dog picture is plain scary lookin'!!

Heather said...

My birthday was a few days before yours. While my parents came down to visit and my mom made me a cake, I got all of 2 birthday cards and about 3% of my FB friends sent me a "Happy Birthday" wish. The difference between my response and yours? Rather than dwelling on those who DIDN'T drop everything to think of me, I was very grateful for those who acknowledged the day in any way. In that way, I'm sure my birthday was MUCH happier than yours. I'll also remember not to take the time next time to send you a Happy Birthday message at all since my effort was discounted so much.

kieron said...

Happy B-Day, Heather! I'm glad it went well for ya...

My point on the birthday wishes, is that with all this technology it's become much easier to remember and wish someone a happy birthday. The easier it is, the less meaningful.

"It's the thought that counts." Well, FB makes it so that you don't have to THINK!

BTW: The happiness of my birthday isn't dependent on the number or type of b-day wishes....

Cathy said...

Hmmm Kieron, it may be as easy as dropping a turd to wish you happy birthday on fb, but consider this; those who didn't can't even be bothered to drop a turd for you xxxx

kieron said...

I figure the next thing is a "select all" button, that I can then type a message like "I hope your special day goes well - know that I am thinking about you", and FB will post it on all your friends walls who have a b-day that week.

Actually, I'd be surprised if this doesn't exist already. I'll look for it.

Cathy said...

Create the app yourself - you'll make a fortune!!!

kieron said...

I looked it up - facebook application developers are working on it now, I think.