Saturday, August 22, 2009

An update on the fan-damily

Molly or John Adams? You decide.

Last update was November, and I got a couple highly craved "thank-yous" from that one, so...

Courtney: Loving her job. No longer President of the school board. Didn't *know* that she was leaving the scene of an accident when the police questioned her last night. Needs a hobby.

Maddie: Started *HIGH SCHOOL* last week and (get this, and I'm not joking) LOVES IT. I drive her to school every morning, and am looking forward to continuing to do that. What a great way to keep up with your daughter!

Molly: Started kickball as a 6th grader (school starts Monday). Continues to be quite physically active. Is the only person in the family who continues to be willing to play games with me (probably because she is the only person who can beat me).

Kieron: Finds it hard to give an update longer than 160 characters, since he finds himself cutting everything down into manageable "sound-bites" of that size. Is considering giving up the pursuit of perfection.


Cathy said...

Thanx for the updates! Molly looks like Kerry in this pic..

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

That photo of Molly rocks! Also, if Courtney can think of a hobby have her tell me cause I need one too! I'm not in school this semester and I'm sure Drew would be happy if I found something to do other then remodel our house. Perhaps she and I can take up drinking cocktails in the middle of the day???!!!!

Kelley said...

This is the best picture- I love it!

daisy/L said...

this might resonate with the librarians and the bookish ones of your extended family: yes, molly definitely lookin' stately...jomama