Friday, September 26, 2008

Catholics Cannot Vote for Barak Obama

As you know, Catholics believe that abortion kills a human being. Given that fact, we aren't allowed to vote for Barak Obama.

I am drawn to clear distinctions between good and evil.

This program is from


Anonymous said...

and catholics can't vote for mc cain either since he was instrumental in orchestrating war? and continues to encourage it?...until the usa wins? (which was an argument for viet nam as well til the usa retreated while shouting victory which was suppose to make all of that killing and dying ok)....a huge number of viable and living and innocent human beings have died because of policies like these

kieron said...

Direct deaths in the Iraq war (both sides, FOR THE WHOLE WAR - since 2003) are under 100,000, total deaths (highest estimates) are about 1,000,000 (this includes all indirect causes like disease, etc.).

During this time, FIVE MILLION abortions occurred in the U.S.

The video does a nice job of outlining my point.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying Catholics can't vote for McCain OR Obama since each sanction murder?

kieron said...

Catholics are free to believe that the Iraq war is a just war. They are NOT free to believe that abortion is just, or even allowed UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER.

But even IF one believes the war is unjust, NcCain would be the lesser of two evils - from a raw number of deaths perspective.

Anonymous said...

Being drawn to clear distictions between good and evil does not necessarily mean that such distinctions exist.

kieron said...

I recognize that there is much gray in the world. I do not concede that there is no black or white.

The murder of an innocent is evil.

Anonymous said...

Calling a woman who has an abortion a murderer is evil.

kieron said...

What does evil mean, to you?

Anonymous said...

Against my belief system of morality, the same as it means for you.

kieron said...

Who determines your belief system? If it's you, then it seems like there is the danger that, if everyone did that, there would be no more good and evil.

Just my opinion and yours.

We couldn't say that people who murderer innocents and think it is a neutral (or good?) act were doing anything "wrong" (or "evil").

I have given over my moral belief system to something outside myself. I have to. To do otherwise is to make myself God...which tends not to work out too well for anyone.

Anonymous said...

My belief system is a philosophical system called Dialectic Materialism. It was developed by the German philosopher Hegel and then further developed by Karl Marx.
Like you, I have given over my moral belief system to something outside myself, otherwise as you rightly say there is nothing but my opinion and yours.


kieron said...

Can you point me to a good primer on DM? What I could find on the web made it sound like it didn't have much to say about ethics, morality, good or evil...

Anonymous said...

There are lots of conflicting articles on the internet about Marxism and Ethics (Dialectical Materialism is the philosophical basis of Marxism).
It is true that Marxism rejects what might be termed 'bourgeoise morality' in favour of 'workers' morality'. This is because Marxism sees capitalist society as essentially divided into two camps with opposed and conflicting material interests. (In dialectical terms, the thesis and antithesis, or the object and its negation). Thus the morality of one will also negate the morality of the other.
Roughly speaking, workers' morality consists of anything that unites workers as workers. Thus racism, sexism, homophobia, disablism, religious discrimination are all 'immoral' in workers' terms because they divide workers against one another.
Marx wrote
'We should foster only those powers which allow an individual to realise herself through and in terms of the similar free self-realisation of others.'
Specific to the abortion question, it is in workers' interests to have the freedom to control their own fertilty in accord with their own needs, interests and beliefs, rather than being forced to comply with the morality of a dominant class, which may at any given time in history consist of forced fertility or forced abortion.

kieron said...

I don't think it's in the little unborn baby worker's best interests to be aborted!

I'm assuming that in your belief system at some point in the development of the human there is a "right to life". The question is: at what point is that? (for example, Is it at external fetal viability?)

Wouldn't DM say to leave it in the hands of the scientists to determine when life begins?

Anonymous said...

We say 'as soon as possible, as late as necessary'. Very late abortions are sometimes performed to save the mother's life.
What would be your view in that situation?
So we would say abortion becomes infanticide at the moment of birth.
However we defend the freedom of every working woman to make the decision based on her own beliefs.

kieron said...

"Very late abortions are sometimes performed to save the mother's life.
What would be your view in that situation?"

I subscribe to the belief that "the end does not justify the means". So, I can't take an innocent life even if by doing so it would save MORE than one life.